Anyways. . . the rest of the anime review:
The one thing I dislike about anime is the fact that most main characters go through a stage of depression. Teito has his reasons, I mean, his best friend was killed by the person who is currently hunting him. The next 9 episodes were filled with nothing but character development and filler-ness. It was okay but I was expecting more action like there was in the first couple of episodes. When the bishop's exam finally came up I was getting kind of tired from watching the show; mainly because only a few episodes remained in the series and I felt that nothing was solved.
There was one thing that irked me however. I am aware that I said that I didn't like the fact that Teito remained depressed for practically the rest of the anime before finding the strength to move passed it 2 episodes before it ended. The thing is, that is very cliched of anime. But I digress, the one thing that irked me was the fact that Mikage kept appearing. Um. . . okay. Sure I know it was important because he was Tieto's friend and all that but seriously, come on! I feel that because he came back as a bunny thing (which is actually a dragon. . . yeah, I'm not buying that) he shouldn't be reappearing as a ghost. My opinion but I feel that it ruined the the whole reincarnation thing that happened in episode 9.
I did like the religious aspect of this anime. While it takes place in a completely different world I can tell that the creator did research of the catholic church and used some of that particular information and weaved it into the world that was being created. I think this was the only anime that I've seen with a heavy christian background that didn't include vampires. Regardless, it is a relief that not everything has vampires in it (I remember when books about vampires were far and few in between. . . and then Twilight came to be and I haven't managed to find an enjoyable vampire novel since).
Now a lot of people have been comparing this to Naruto. Why, I don't know. It's like the fans comparing Twilight and Harry Potter, they're completely different (though HP was a lot better written. Just saying). I watched Naruto for a couple of years and the entire reason upon that was because of a friend that really liked the series but didn't know anyone in real life to talk about the series with (and then there was this long period of fillers after the 'Valley of End' battle (which took way too long to finish. . . too much back story that I really didn't care about) and I gave up and told my friend to find a nice forum to make herself a home in because I was no longer able to deal with the complete trash that calls itself an anime series. Sure, it's okay; but it gets boring after a while because the same stupid shit happens over and over again). This series, in my opinion, was better than Naruto; but I wasn't a big fan of Naruto and my expectations of the show rival solid ground.
I give this show a 9/10 rating. The music was good, the characters made me laugh (and cry) and overall it was a good show. I can't wait for Viz to re-release the manga back into the states and because the release date for the first volume is so close to my birthday I know I'll be able to find an excuse to go to the book store (my parents don't fancy spending 3 hours in the place regardless of how close it is to our house). I don't own a lot of anime on DVD; mainly because I find very few anime worthy of being watched over again, but I wouldn't mind owning this one.